Terms of problem :
kode montir kode motor biaya
WWN SZK 50000
(Wewen) HND 55000
YMH 60000
BDI SZK 60000
(Budi) HND 65000
YMH 70000
When the form is active then the textbox code mechanic, motor code, name of the mechanic, service prices, oil prices, total prices and money back in an inactive state.
At the click "Hitung" will pay out the total value.
When the input of money paid and the press enter then the money returned.
At the click "Input Lagi" then all net textbox.
To make a timer using two labels and a timer in the properties
Change the name of the label 1 = jam
And label 2 = tanggal
Click 2x on a timer and enter the listing:
jam.caption = time
Tanggal.caption = format (date, "dddd, d mmmm, yyyy")
on the properties of the timer, change interval = 100
this is the listing :
Private Sub cck1_Click()
If cck1 = 1 And cck2 = 1 Then
txtservis = 80000
ElseIf cck1 = 1 Then
txtservis = 30000
ElseIf cck2 = 1 Then
txtservis = 50000
txtservis = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cck2_Click()
If cck1 = 1 And cck2 = 1 Then
txtservis = 80000
ElseIf cck1 = 1 Then
txtservis = 30000
ElseIf cck2 = 1 Then
txtservis = 50000
txtservis = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Ckomon_Click()
If Ckomon.Text = "WWN" Then
txtnamon = "Wewen"
txtnamon = "Budi"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Ckotor_Click()
If Ckotor.Text = "SZK" Then
txtjenis = "Suzuki"
If Ckomon.Text = "WWN" Then
txtbiaya = 50000
txtbiaya = 60000
End If
ElseIf Ckotor.Text = "HND" Then
txtjenis = "Honda"
If Ckomon.Text = "WWN" Then
txtbiaya = 55000
txtbiaya = 65000
End If
txtjenis = "Yamaha"
If Ckomon.Text = "WWN" Then
txtbiaya = 60000
txtbiaya = 70000
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cmdhitung_Click()
txttotbay = Val(txtbiaya) + Val(txtservis) + Val(txtoli)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdinput_Click()
txtnama = ""
Ckomon = "-PiliH-"
Ckotor = "-PiliH-"
txtnamon = ""
txtjenis = ""
txtbiaya = ""
cck1 = False
cck2 = False
txtservis = ""
optganti = False
opttidak = False
txtoli = ""
txttotbay = ""
txtubay = ""
txtukem = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdkeluar_Click()
If MsgBox("Yakin lo mau Keluar ??", 36, "WArning") = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
txtnamon.Enabled = False
txtjenis.Enabled = False
txtbiaya.Enabled = False
txtservis.Enabled = False
txtoli.Enabled = False
txttotbay.Enabled = False
txtukem.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub optganti_Click()
txtoli = 30000
End Sub
Private Sub opttidak_Click()
txtoli = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
jam.Caption = Time
tanggal.Caption = Format(Date, "dddd, d ,mmmm, yyyy")
End Sub
Private Sub txtubay_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
txtukem = Val(txtubay) - Val(txttotbay)
End If
End Sub
Enjoy it... ^_^
If anyone does not understand please ask and leave a comment ..
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